Monday, 12 March 2012

Photoshop Lesson #2

The palletes: are the colors that you are able to use during your editing. They can be located at the right of the photoshop program and if you're unable to see it, try pressing tab and see if a small window pops up.
Arranging palletes: you can drag the pallete out of the window if you wish, or you can even put the pallete tab in a different area on the window. Not only that, but you can also drag all of the contents in each tab and attatch them together (in the window, or outside if it). If you like your layout of the pallete, then you can save it by going to the top of photoshop and pressthe window button and go to workplace, and from there just press the new workplace button.
Resizing, showing and hiding palletes: once you drag the pallete out of the window at the side, you are able to extend it or minimize the colors shown by holding the bottom right part of the pallete and dragging it out or in.
Closing, opening, and reseting palletes: if you close the pallete when you dragged it outside of it's window, no need to worry. To re-open the pallete, just go to the top of photoshop and press the window button and then jsut re-open the pallete that you were using (color, swatches, style). And if you want to reset, anything you put
Setting options in palletes: I didn't catch how to set options in palletes, or I misunderstood what I am supose to say.

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