Monday, 19 March 2012

What other projects could you do that use photoshop in a manner different than usual?

The example of taking an attractive girl and creating her into a horrific beast beast just shows the possibilities of photoshop. Taking from the example, if you are able to create a large alter on someones face, then why not do it to a whole environment. I'm pretty sure with the editing that photoshop offers that you would be able to create a nice preschool environment into a demonic playground. Thats not only a way to put a fun twist on photoshop editing, you could also create images of people that are repulsive or even funny. It all depends on you and your creativity in photoshop, you are not chained down into only making things look good with photoshop like the rest of the world does.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Puppet Warp Feature: How could you use this tool?

This feature seems to be very handy in multiple situations. The possiblities of this feature is endless. You can create cartoons with this feature. Get some characters and then start warping them into doing things, kind of like a flip note. You could also use this to edit things that you don't like in a picture. Say that someone has their head tilted in a picture where they had to have good posture, you could simply turn on the puppet warp feature and tilt said person's head to give them good posture.

What additional features does he like and how do they work?

He enjoys that you can create any text into 3D at his command. He also likes the various things he can do with the 3D text. The base on how to start making animated text is going to repousse and then going to text layer. From there, after choosing the shapes and colors of the text, you can then go onto the shadow of the text to make it that more realistic. Then you can go to the ground plane and angle the text to match the picture your editing. And finallygo to ground plane shadow catcher and you will be able to create the shadow of the 3D text. Go to scene settings and then quality you will be able to see a draft of the shadow, and when your pleased with you work, you can go to the final mode.

What are Russel's top 5 features in Cs5?

1. Painting. You can see a preview of the paintbrush your using in 3D, you can brush over a photo and even blend colors together, and many more. With this you can either make make a photo into a painting or create a painting from scratch.
2. Puppet warp. Thus feature allows you to practically control bodies that are on pictures you are editing with ease. You can make the body do different posses, create muscles, and many more. You may even be able to use this feature on objects such as bars, trees, etc.
3. HDR pro. With this feature you are able to edit a huge amount on a photo, but yet still keep the essence of the photo.
4. Masking. With this feature you can completely make an object, figure, person, or what ever you desire into something like a sticker. You can move the "sticker" anywhere you want on the picture.
5. Content aware fill. THis feature has the ability to fill in spaces on your photo that could be left after editing it. Say you wanted to take away some kind of distraction in a picture, you have the ability to completely remove the distraction and make the photo still look natural, like it was never there.

How do you use content aware fill?

There are 2 ways to use content aware fill in photo's. If you want to fill in spaces left by lets say tilting the photo to the right angle, select the transparancy with ctrl+click and then go the the select button (top of the program) and choose inverse. From there Go to select again and this time choose modify, and then choose expand. Try to make the photo overlap the spaces by choosing a high expansion (say 10), then press shift+delete key to open the content aware fill and then press okay. Take away overlapping distractions from a photo, you can either use the spot healing brush tool and choose content-aware at the two bars under the top of the program and erase away.

Photoshop Lesson #4

Layers in photoshop are parts of a picture that can overlap each other. To create layers in photoshop, all you need to do is make a new project, look at the bottom right of your photoshop program and edit the first layer. To fill the background with color, all you have to do is select the layer in the layer box and then go to the top left and you'll see a colored bar, click on it and change the color to your liking. You can add more layers by pressing the layer button on the bottom right of the layers box which is right beside the trash can icon. To create grass on a new layer, press the paintbrush icon at the left (it will be the 8th button going down) and choose a pencil tip that best suites the type of grass you want to use. To move layers, all you have to do is click and hold the layer you want to move in the layer box and drag it where you want it to be. And lastly the opacity can be used to see layers behind of a layer (make a layer see-through). To do this all you have to do is select the layer you want to be transparent, and the opacity button should be right above the layer box.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Photoshop Lesson #2

The palletes: are the colors that you are able to use during your editing. They can be located at the right of the photoshop program and if you're unable to see it, try pressing tab and see if a small window pops up.
Arranging palletes: you can drag the pallete out of the window if you wish, or you can even put the pallete tab in a different area on the window. Not only that, but you can also drag all of the contents in each tab and attatch them together (in the window, or outside if it). If you like your layout of the pallete, then you can save it by going to the top of photoshop and pressthe window button and go to workplace, and from there just press the new workplace button.
Resizing, showing and hiding palletes: once you drag the pallete out of the window at the side, you are able to extend it or minimize the colors shown by holding the bottom right part of the pallete and dragging it out or in.
Closing, opening, and reseting palletes: if you close the pallete when you dragged it outside of it's window, no need to worry. To re-open the pallete, just go to the top of photoshop and press the window button and then jsut re-open the pallete that you were using (color, swatches, style). And if you want to reset, anything you put
Setting options in palletes: I didn't catch how to set options in palletes, or I misunderstood what I am supose to say.

Photoshop Lesson #1

You can start photoshop by simply clicking the launcher icon on your desktop. From there you are practically have your basic starting area to do your work. You can either choose to edit a picture of your choice or create you own picture by pressing the file button on the menu bar (menu bar located at the top of the program, file button loacted on the far left). to save your work, just go to the file button again and choose save as. You can either save the work you've done as a shortcut to the work you've done in photoshop to continue to edit if your not done (the format will most likely say photoshop), or you can save it as an image on you computer if you are done (the formot chosen will be JPEG). Now to close photoshop, you can either close the image you've been working on by clossing the tab located two bars down from the menu bar, or you can close the whole program by pressing the red exit button to the top right. that is the basics to useing photoshop.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Best Photo From Flickr Photo Stream

I this is probably one of the photo's in my flickr photo stream i like the most because it's simple, yet very complex. This photo could have been used in multiple assignments, but the one it was taken for was assignment 5 (maximum or long depth of field). It's pretty clear that the photo was focused on the cup (also known as the subject), and the subject is appealing to look at. The one thing I wish this photo had was no distractions. As i said before this photo could be used for other assignments, but I really wanted this photo to be made ONLY for assignment 5. 

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Creepy, Crusty, Crumbling Photos Response


1. What are your immediate feelings after viewing the photograph? 
2. What is the implied meaning of the photo? 
3. What pictures could you take with the same mood in this area?  
4. How does the colour and the subject  change the way the picture is understood? 

1. I was astonished that people would do this in an amusement park. Of course it was just a silly joke but it completely disrespects the park. It's the pure form of vandalism, and it does not leave a good impression to people how go into the park, especially little kids.
2. Some people have no respect what so ever and this photo is an example of that.
3. All over large cities, vandalism is everywhere and people don't seem to stop, even when became illegal.
4. It has a bit of colour in the photo, but the way they "painted" it creates a big message.